Based in Paris, FR

I believe in the exchange of ideas, in sharing creativity and kindness.

Together with a background in arts management and in curatorial practices, I have experience in organizing, communicating, and promoting contemporary art events.
-> Occasional writer.

Open for collaborations!


My research focuses on the emotional interplay of the human condition and on the multiple possibilities of interconnecion of the contemporary beings. I am interested in socially & politically engaged practices and collective care, within the wide social landscape that characterizes our era. Mostly, I try to capture what is affecting our approcheas to the others and the traumas connected to our perception of the history.

ÉMERGENT MAGAZINE, In conversation with Parker Ito, 6 December 2024 (ENG) NERO, WOMEN’S BUSINESS. On memories, bazaars and Afghan feminism: a conversation with Hangama Amiri, 7 Jan 2021 (ENG) 

ATP DIARY, Pensieri in quarantena. Sul ‘survivalismo’ e la sub-natura urbana | Conversazione con Edoardo Caimi, 8 August 2020 (ITA)

NERO, PAINTINGS FOR NOTHING, Interview with Joshua Miller, 23 October 2019 (ENG)
CC:CONTEMPORARY CARING [personal project], A series of contributions in the form of a newsletter, November 2020 - June 2021 (ITA)
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