Based in Paris, FR

I believe in the exchange of ideas, in sharing creativity and kindness.

Together with a background in arts management and in curatorial practices, I have experience in organizing, communicating, and promoting contemporary art events.
-> Occasional writer.

Open for collaborations!


My research focuses on the emotional interplay of the human condition and on the multiple possibilities of interconnecion of the contemporary beings. I am interested in socially & politically engaged practices and collective care, within the wide social landscape that characterizes our era. Mostly, I try to capture what is affecting our approcheas to the others and the traumas connected to our perception of the history.

There is something exciting yet melancholic in living a life where home is not a stable rock, but rather a cloud carried by swingy winds, or maybe a leaf that depends on the seasons. Does growing up in a place but becoming a man in another, and so building a life where time has no linear direction but branches and countercurrents, make both gaze and perspective different? Is the smell richer? and the taste? What about the hearing and the touch? When you have not one but many homes, you are a carrier of your memories and the maker of your own story. It comes natural to collect each piece of who you have been and who you now are, to collect and glue them into the atlas of your personal and multiple identities. 

April 29, 2022 © All rights reserved

Dear Time, 
This is not a love letter, but it can be. I’m dreaming of a night exhibition which I will name “The sense of things”. Please, don’t judge me as pretentious. It seems that in the past years mankind had forgotten how to care of other beings, human and not. To care for [humans/non humans] is an act of responsibility, it is a political and a social proof of love and reparation. This exhibition is a short essay on forgotten feelings. It is addressed to lost intimacies and to fragile minorities. This letter is above all a praise to existence. Last years have been tough: a lot of loneliness, a lot of fear and distance appeared in our lives. Indeed, this letter wants to be a reminder of the values that really count, and that are mostly immaterial. We used to forget about them, thus when they come to the surface it is important to breath and welcome them. And so this barber shop of a good friend of mine becomes a shelter of allies, where to share and where to mix different personal stories, never the same but always similar. The love for a plant, the trust in an animal, the care for the nature, for our environment, for our loved ones and for ourselves. For one week this tiny room turns to a metaphorical mirror of existences, where artists will broadcast their gaze towards life, and they will address it to you, dear time. 

Text written for an hypotetical exhibition that never happened (yet). 

May 5, 2022 © All rights reserved.


L’arte di non scrivere. 
Eppure compongo frasi con la mente, fatico a dialogare, a volte son bloccata nel volere ma non sapere come fare. 
Ci si perde a emulare, invidiare, sussultare, provocare 
Per poi tornare a essere, un poco più aperti ma lontani 
Nel dubbio di scegliere se riempire il bianco o lasciare andare 
A volte basta non dire per comunicare 
Ci lasciamo trasportare dai rimorsi, dagli sforzi 
Non si vede l’ampiezza del cielo, del cuore 
Nemmeno quella del bene 
Proviamo a fare per essere 
Essere uno qualcuno tu 
Poi una carezza e tutto sembra svanire nella futilità del voler fare bene o voler fare meglio di lui di lei di tutti loro 
Lascio che il mio capo si chini seguendo la traiettoria dei miei pensieri
Scivolando nell’infinito del possibile e indefinibile 
Senza riuscire davvero
a dire o a essere 
dal cambiare.

2022 © All rights reserved.
©2024 Alessandra Giacopini/All righs reserved